Monday, January 23, 2006

Thank You

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Drew Dallons said...

Hi Kat.. thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! You have some great photos here of Mojove.. makes me homesick... my parents still live about 20 miles west of the Mojove desert in Tehachapi. People sometimes take for granted the simple beauty of the area.

Drew Dallons said...
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Kathleen Callon said...

Thanks, Drew and John.

Kathleen Callon said...

I have, and they are beautiful. I live about 15 minutes from the west entrance of the park and love driving through and hiking around the low and high deserts there... the Colorado and Mojave Deserts are very different, but love both of them. Thanks for the compliment.

Take care, too.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photography! Came from Drew's, where I saw the picture over there-----> with your comment. I love photograhy. Well, other people's I mean.

Kathleen Callon said...

Thanks, Lily. Just finished clicking over and saw we have a lot in common.